Pure oxygen is the safest and most benign first aid treatment in nearly all cases of breathing difficulty and it is essential where casualties are not breathing, or cyanosed. The speed of its application, duration and volume are all critical elements in treating anoxic conditions.
Motivox is fully marinized, safe for use near and even under the water and easy to rinse and clean. After exposure to salt water, it should be rinsed in clean, fresh water and sanitized, ready for the next emergency.
Motivox provides the simple, safe means to fast recovery when casualties suffer breathing difficulties or apnoea.
Providing oxygen to the lungs is vital to successful recovery in situations such as heart attack, profound asthma, near drowning, gassing and exposure to anoxic environments. From 1961, provision of suitable Oxygen Kit was made mandatory in Britain where Breathing Apparatus was an occupational requirement. Changes to legislation, within the EEC framework mean that the mandate has been removed and it is up to the responsible employer to decide what first-aid equipment is appropriate with the risk assessment.
For first aid in recreational use, bodies, such as DDRC and BSAC, recommend that oxygen kits are available and, in Sweden, this is mandatory for diving and provided to treat decompression sickness.
Since distressed adults often breathe at rates amounting to 30 to 90 Litres per minute, the Oxygen kit needs to be able to meet such rates without placing Pulmonary stress on the casualty. This means coping with rates exceeding 300 litres/minute because peak inhalation values are more than three times the mean flow rate - a tall order for conventional therapy sets! In fact, other than using a hood or other enclosure, this can only be achieved using advanced demand valves that will meet the criteria of EN250 & EN137, as the minimum performance specification.
No other demand system in the world matches the performance of Motivox. In Therapy mode, Motivox provides pure oxygen on patient demand, without significant breathing effort. Motivox far exceeds the requirements of BS:6850 (Resuscitators..updated by ISO:10651, from 2007) and the breathing requirements specified in EN:250 and EN:137. Work of Breathing characteristics, at EN137 testing requirements, is only 0.4 Joules per litre (@ 2 x 20 Litres RMV) -less than half that of its closest rival - and with a demand response time nearly ten times faster (28 milliseconds).
Motivox maintains peerless performance throughout the widest known ranges of breathing – even at flow rates exceeding 6 Litres per second. In Resuscitation mode, depending on lung compliance, Motivox will ventilate at rates between 0.7 and 1.5 Litres per second, to a maximum airway pressure of 24 Milli-bar, complying with inflation and compression times for CPR, recommended by the British Standards Institution and the American Heart Association. It is not possible to "over-inflate" the patient's lungs.
Some voluntary bodies recommend that oxygen therapy be offered at rates less than 15 litre per minute! Where the casualty's metabolism is high, perhaps anaerobic, such practice may fail to prevent apnoea or death. It contradicts our advice, that of the Diving Diseases Research Centre, the BSI technical committee for resuscitation equipment and that of the Royal Swedish Navy.
ISO:10651, part 5 deals with safe requirements for administering Oxygen for resuscitation and emergency purposes. Our policy is to promote this sound, practical experience - drawn from the Emergency Services, Mines Rescue and the Pioneering work of many well known consultants, such as Baskerville, Snook, Basket, Thomson, Dahlback and others - by which experience, Motivox has been designed; simple, safe and effective.
Motivox kits are provided without a cylinder; which, in the UK, is most conveniently rented from a medical gas service, such as offered by BOC and Air Products. A 'D'- sized medical oxygen cylinder contains 340 litres of oxygen, which is adeuqate for about twenty minutes' therapy. Larger cylinders are readily available but the issue of key importance is that of immediate and adequate treatment. A larger cylinder of oxygen, which maximum administration rates cannot offer better than 3 litres/second, cannot maintain the required concentration of oxygen in the airways and so this bigger cylinder, with an inferior kit, will have less immediate and probably, less long-term, theraputic effect!
Kits are usually fitted with a medical, Pin Indexed oxygen cylinder connector. Where different cylinder connections are required (such as bull nosed, or DIN (EN144) types, please state which is required, when ordering.
Costs are the same for all three, common types.
Motivox has a range of options. The basic kit comprises a patient valve, complete with ISO standard, co-axially mounted, cuffed medical mask, a supply hose assembly and oxygen pressure reducer with contents indicator gauge, compatible with UK medical pin indexing cylinders. Cylinders are available from us for hire or purchase and from BOC and other gas supply companies for hire.
Note that cylinders must comply with local Regulations within the EEC and that in Britain, medical oxygen cylinders must comply with BS5045, pt 1, be marked black with white shoulders and fitted with an approved valve. (Ask if you are not clear!)
The Motivox system is protected against overpressure in the gas supply system and in such cases will simply cause a constant flow of oxygen at safe rates and pressures from the demand valve. Motivox is designed to give reliable performance in the toughest environments, on land or water. Its components are resistant to marine corrosion.
Item: Description Accessories Notes
Basic Kit |
Comprises Pin indexed oxygen regulator, fixed supply hose and patient valve assembly. Fitted mask is size 05, Adult. |
PVC holdall, water proof “shell case” container, or floating bag (60 Newton). Mask sizes 02, 03, 04 |
Suitable for Field Emergencies, resuscitation and therapy for diving accidents and other trauma types. |
Model 1 |
As basic kit, with medical quick release hose fitting. |
As basic kit. Therapy Kit can temporarily replace patient valve *. |
As basic kit with option to quickly connect patient valve to alternative medical oxygen supply. |
Model 2 |
As model 1 but with twin Q/R output sockets |
As model 1. Can be used to treat two casualties simultaneously with a spare patient valve or therapy kit. |
As model one, plus facility for extra patient valve or therapy kit for low flow therapy treatment. * |
High Pressure connections |
Bull-nose or DIN |
Factory fitting for cylinder compatibility options, alternative to pin indexing. |
For use with larger Oxygen cylinders or “Nitrox” diving cylinders. * |
Spare Patient Valve/ hose * |
Standard Patient valve |
PEEP Valve available (see manual) |
* Compatible with ISO 22mm ET tube kits |
Fixed flow therapy kit * adult size. |
10 – 15 Litre/ minute non-re-breathing mask assembly fitted with fixed aperture probe |
Spare mask kits, child and small adult |
* Suitable for treating Bronchiospasm and cases of non-critical breathing difficulty. |
Divers mouthpiece |
Replaces standard mask |
Stainless, adjustable keeper |
For use in or under water |
High efficiency half mask |
Replaces standard mask adapter. |
Offers greater security and better face seal. Total inward leakage less than 10% (EN 140) |
It must be noted that wrongly dosing Oxygen with Chronic Bronchitics or to tiny infants can be harmful and here, it should be carried out when the subject presents non-breathing or cyanosed; unless you are experienced in administering clinical therapy. Should a (breathing) chronic brochitic be 'over-dosed' with Oxygen, he or she may cease breathing; in which case, simply remind them to breathe and remove the mask. For infants (neonates) under 5 Kilogrammes, overdosing oxygen may eventually present harmful effects to the infant's nervous system. Thus (ALWAYS having cleared the airways) pure oxygen should only be administered to non-breathing babies and ceased after voluntary breathing is restored.