Each client firm should have a regularly appraised register of confined spaces and afterwards, a Safe Method of Work, or Standard Operating Procedure.
This procedure will include information germane to the nature of risk, substances used in the space, or otherwise likely to be generated from the work progress.
Confined space works must be subject to a written permit and permit records kept and numbered distinctly. A permit should not exceed a working shift – something once mandated but, since the 1997 Regulation was invoked, not specified in law.
Common sense dictates that employers should keep close watch over work that is potentially dangerous and the HSE ACoP on Confined Spaces is helpful in focussing attention to important details and considerations.
Never-the-less, where work involves potentially toxic atmospheres, or where, in Emergency, it is necessary to enter such atmospheres; to rescue casualties or to make isolations that may not otherwise be made; it is imperative that operatives are properly trained and that they practise realistic scenarios for such tasks.
Emergency interventions are the exception in Confined Spaces work, where a permit and its Authorising person is not required in advance - for obvious reasons.
This does not mean that a record is not kept – all incidents must be recorded carefully and properly examined afterwards, so that future risk may be better mitigated.
Operatives who are tasked to deal with such Emergencies must not only be trained carefully to appreciate and to deal with the particular risks of the plant, its function and situation but to take care of the unexpected and to safely extricate casualties.
Reliance on public Emergency Services in your Emergency Plan is not acceptable. Public Emergency Services are generally unfamiliar with particular process hazards and risks. They are less expert than you should be at dealing with challenges arising from your business.
Public Emergency Services DO have a role in providing expert secondary support and rescue or medical assistance and, as such, it is prudent that they are so briefed to risk at particular premises.
But every confined space job is different and successfully and safely mitigating its hazards requires careful planning specific to it.
Such forensic examination of risk is our expertise and no training is done without first having established the particular hazards and risks for which purpose training is to be conducted. From our written risk assessment and recommended mitigations, we develop a training plan, quite specific to the area of concern and which takes account of regular or occasional tasks and the required Emergency plan needed for them.
Every year, workers die needlessly; because they have been unaware of the dangers of gassing, engulfment, rising fluids, dangerous heat flux, insecure standing and so forth.
Almost invariably these casualties have not received adequate training and generally, supervisory managements have been ignorant, ill-informed, or careless over issues that might better have been addressed.
As industry has ‘de-populated’ the element of ignorance and lack of practise has become more significant and therefore RISK has increased.
Large firms increasingly employ contractors to do the ‘dirty-work’ and, where all the boxes and pre-qualifications might have been ‘ticked’, experience and knowledge has been lost from the site, communications made the poorer and the risk of accident, per task, so increased.
Our job is to counter the trend, to impart knowledge based on the science involved with the client’s safety concerns. Thus we will not train you unless we have first gained intimate knowledge of your risks.
Our charges for this are based per technician day (spent on your sites) and charges include the ‘desk-work’ that you do not see us doing and which generally takes as much time as is spent on site with you.
Certificates of Comptence are issued to successful candidates for either one or two years (dependent of the qualification Grade).
Most (practical and theory) courses can accept upto eight candidates per instructor and 'level 1' competence courses take one day.
Level two courses (Rescue and intervention) will take between two and four days, depending on the operational risks addressed.
Note: In the second (USA) video, there is not a real fatality but there is good illustration as to how quickly fatal incidents can develop. Our courses will help determine rapid, accurate response and, in the case of Ammonia, iron out what, in this exercise, the Fire Service might better have done on arrival.