Spiromatic Cylinder, type 316, light weight Steel alloy.
Complete with the approved cylinder valve, the cylinders are approved for use under (JTM test protocol) SOLAS, MSA, Factory, Mines, Fire Service, UK Diving Inspectorate, OSHA and all major global approval agencies.
Strong, durable cylinders are finished with durable coatings over hot spray zinc galvanisation; for use in aggresive atmospheres and under water.
They weigh approximately 10 Kg empty and 12 Kg when full. Charging pressure:300 barTest Pressure 450 bar Free air capicity: approx. 1800 litres/ 1.8 cubic metres (rated at thirty minutes breathing time) Material: 90% Molybdenum chrome steel
In the UK, cylinders are required hydraulically tested every five years, or, when used for diving, also inspected and check tested every two years.